Friday, January 6, 2012

Back to Routines

I think that the week after Christmas break is harder than the first week of school. Trying to wake up two kiddos after having two weeks of nothing but fun and sugar is not easy! I am so glad that it is the weekend and they can have a little bit of relaxation as well as me.

In a few weeks though Ryan will be home and my routine will be thrown out the window again but in a good way. It is days of getting up early with the kids and staying up late with him talking and finding out the details of what has happened over the last five months. One thing about telephones and Skype is that you really don’t think about all of the small things that you want to say until you are face to face. That is one thing that I miss the most is just the little details of his day and how I can help him through the aggravation of certain circumstances. Just to be able to talk to one another face to face. Isn’t that so crazy!?! But it is our life and we just take one day at a time.

I was talking to Savannah this morning about Paul the apostle and how he went through so much as a witness for God but he kept running the race because he knew that God had a perfect plan. I related this to our lives and how God knows our heart but His plan is perfect and He will provide Ryan a job stateside when His timing is right. It is hard sometimes for the minds of children to understand this but I am so thankful that God has given me grace to be strong for my kids.

“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God”

2 Corinthians 3:5

1 comment:

  1. Amen! We as humans don't realize the work that God has to do in us to make us more like Him. We'd rather stay comfortable in our own pig sty than have to go through the cleansing process of being more Christ like. BUT we can't even imagine what we might lose out on if we stay put! What we dream of may seem good, but what God has already dreamed for us is AMAZING!!! Way beyond what we can imagine or think {eph 3:20}
