Monday, December 5, 2011

Four Kids, One sick mama

Hello everyone,

As I write this, I enjoy only hearing the sound of my keyboard while my two little ones are asleep. Today was a long day with four kids and a head cold. But I made it through and happily. It's those short phone calls with my hubby that gets me through days like this. It seems as though God knows just when to prick his heart to give me a call. We are looking forward to having Christmas this year in February with him. To us it really doesn't matter the day but the time shared together that we remember and enjoy the most. Well hopefully I get a good night's rest tonight. Good night everyone! May you all stay safe as well as your hubbies!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New to the Blog World

Hello everyone! I am so excited to introduce this site to every woman or man that has been married to a contractor at home or abroad. Most of my experience has been with my husband working abroad so I look forward to hearing from people that have had the same experiences. My husband, Ryan, and I have been married for almost 11 years. We have two children, Savannah is 8 and Ryan is 4. This life is not always easy but we have managed to do this now for about five years. I know that their are a lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to contracting, the lifestyle, and the details that go with it. I look to help people that are going through the same things that I am and learn more about the lives of the women (and men) that are left behind to keep the home fires buring. I can't wait to meet new people and find out what is going on out there. Please note that this is my first time doing a blog so if some things aren't perfect please give me time to learn the ropes.

*Just a note, I do not want any crude comments or inappropriate language used on the blog. I look to respect everyone and hope that the same can be returned. God bless!